Project Result
Dr. Power was designed and built to reduce residential idle load through user education and behavioral science. It was designed to incorporate smart meter data and measured standby power for specific devices. Over 800 PG&E and SCE customers created Dr. Power accounts. Across 341 PG&E Dr. Power Users, idle load was reduced by an average of 5.4 watts, which equates to 47 kWh/yr. The open source database used by Dr. Power contains nearly 170,000 appliances. The public API has been used by three different applications including, which is a unique and comprehensive online resource for exploring residential energy use. To have significant impact, more California residents need to know about Dr. Power. This can be done by including Dr. Power in statewide outreach programs, such as EnergyUpgradeCA, and by utilities like SCE and SDG&E providing easy data access for their customers.
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