Project Showcase Explore hundreds of CEC-funded research and development projects that can help California transition to a low-carbon, resilient and equitable energy economy.
Los Angeles Regional Energy Innovation Cluster EPC-16-015 Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator Los Angeles Award Amount $9,998,494 Project Status refresh Active 28th Senate District 54th Assembly District Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Advanced EV Battery Technologies Battery Second-Use Vehicle-to-Grid Integration Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings Electric Heat Pumps Energy Storage Low-Emission Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles Microgrids Virtual Power Plants View Project
High Frequency Corona Discharge Ignition System Demonstration PIR-14-010 Institute of Gas Technology dba GTI Energy Davis Award Amount $750,000 Project Status Completed 37th Senate District 68th Assembly District Low Carbon Transportation Low-Emission Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles View Project